Down Under Digital


A couple of photos from late afternoon today as the sun was setting here in Edmonds. I also appreciate low tide days since it’s an opportunity for some beachcombing.

Edmond, Snohomish County, Washington State.

Edmond, Snohomish County, Washington State.


I just checked the temperature here in Edmonds and it’s only 29F. I’m not looking forward to next month’s gas bill!


After the movie, we decided to watch another episode of “Silo.” This evening, the issue with too dark lighting in certain scenes was not noticeable.


Just watched All of Me starring Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin. I don’t know how I could have missed this one when it first came out since I’m a bit of a Steve Martin fan.


I got down to Richmond Beach this afternoon just as the sun was setting. Nothing like the golden hour for good light.


Testing linking directly to my Flickr photos.

Marina, Edmonds, Snohomish Country, Washington State.


Checking in from Draft post.


I did get out to take some photos today in 40F weather shortly before the sun set here at Edmonds Marina.


I’ve been trying to take it easy over the last couple of days on the advice of the oral surgeon. It going to help heal my gum after the tooth extraction. No vigorous exercise for 2 to 3 days at least.


We are watching season 2 of “Silo” but the screen is so dark on our 2 year old TV that we are missing a lot of what is happening. My wife wants me to increase picture brightness but tv is fine for other shows.


Here’s an excellent site with GIS mapping for the recent Los Angeles fires.


I went for a walk along the Marina here in Edmonds this afternoon but the slight breeze made it so uncomfortably cold that I decided to truncate my outing. Here’s a picture however, before I headed back to the car.


I had a tooth extracted today at the oral surgeon. Always a stressful occasion!


Another great sunset at Edmonds Marina Beach this afternoon.


I’m no longer posting to Threads since it deleted my last entry here. I’ve had a setup where I copy my entries to Threads, but no more. One more reason that I’m glad to be here on Now I just need to get serious about owning my own domain.


Seen today.


As I followup to my last message I should note that Facebook has indeed removed my link to pixelfed claiming that they are getting rid of Spam. They were certainly very quick to do this. They have not removed my link in an earlier entry to Scarecrow Video however and I appreciate that. Being very selective.


I posted the following link to Facebook since I’d read that it’s not something that FB appreciates their uses linking to. It actually looks like something that I might be interested in joining, but I need to check it out some more.…


Just finished watching 3 episodes of the Australian show “Population 11”. It’s an intriguing mystery set the Outback with some decidedly oddball characters.


A few weeks ago we discovered the old tv series Monk which is playing on Netflix. My wife and I soon got addicted to it only to discover before Christmas that it was leaving Netflix on January 14. And so we decided that we’d stop watching anything else and just concentrate on Monk. Since the new year we’ve been watching 4 episodes a night and last night we finally finished all 8 seasons with days to spare. A great show.


My wife and I have been on the lookout for a new playground to take our granddaughter to and I think I’ve found a good candidate. This place is very close which is a requirment for a toddler who’s going to get bored on a long car ride. And it’s next to Lake Ballinger so we can see ducks and geese!


Scarecrow Video here in Seattle have just made it to 150,000 titles for rent at their store. I was just there today borrowing “Conclave” on Blu-ray and the complete “Ripping Yarns” British comedy which I somehow missed but which has great recommendations from FB friends.


Sick sea lion being taken off Edmonds beach Tuesday afternoon for recovery from apparent exhaustion and protection from dogs, etc.


A rugged looking flower blooming next to Puget Sound here in Edmonds in the middle of Winter. Maybe a sign that Spring is coming.


Many, many people were here in Edmonds today for the annual Polar Plunge. Our old Atlanta band would have loved to be involved in something like this but the event did have a local ensemble leading the parade to the beach.