Why Paul Krugman left the New York Times.
And as a consequence:
For Krugman, “leaving has been a total liberation; no regrets at all. I hope it’s obvious from the Substack that I’m having fun.” He’s lost some of his “reach,” but his new column is now at 100,000 subscribers and growing quickly; a recent piece lauding California’s liberalism—at a time when the Golden State is a foil for pro-Trump conservatives—had more than 180,000 readers. “I’m getting a lot of feedback from readers who’ve found my Substack about how much better it is than the columns I was allowed to publish—no euphemisms, room for some humor, and yes, graphics where they help,” he said. “I think my California piece has been the best so far, and I shudder to think of what would have happened if I had tried to say anything like that at the Times.”